Our supplier partner ViscoTec, manufacturers of our preeflow® Precision Volumetric Dosing Pump range have launched their treeflow project, choosing to donate to the Fairventures organization for each preeflow dispenser sold in 2017. Through this venture ViscoTec aim to help improve the rural livelihoods of the population in Indonesia and to protect the rainforests.

Fairventures is a non-profit organization whose headquarters are in Stuttgart, Germany. Together with its local partners, they are planting forests on degraded areas in the tropics of Indonesia. By working in cooperation with local small farmers, they are creating an economic alternative to logging and the harmful spread of monocultures. Central Borneo has been the home of the pilot program “1 Million Trees” since 2014 and aims to reforest a total of 1 million trees.

Reforestation of tropical mixed forests, with popular commercial wood, on already degraded areas in the buffer areas to the rainforest, makes a huge contribution to the preservation of the soil, an alternative income for local farmers, CO2 storage and the conservation of existing primary forests.

We are proud to support the treeflow initiative – and with your help, we can all make a small contribution to protect our environment and to improve quality of life.

Categories: charity, news