This Twitter post from James Wong caught my eye this morning. James is an ethnobotanist, a science presenter on the BBC and a New Scientist columnist. He is pragmatic and without hyperbole – and worth following if you are on Twitter and like reading myth-busting tweets about food, nutrition, and the environment.

James Wong from Twitter

The resonance for us is when we are discussing your new bonding or assembly projects. Simple statements rarely match complex reality. Almost the only simple fact is – your application is unique. We may have seen similar projects before, but not your specific one. So we do not know all of the pertinent facts and parameters about what you have, and what you want to achieve. We will have detailed discussions with you, but the reality is usually even more complex. We (both of us) don’t know what we don’t know.

Hence our approach will always be along the lines of “this material would be a good candidate for you to test”, or “let’s evaluate this proposed process with some trials”. When we say this, it is not because we don’t know what we are talking about. It is quite the opposite; years of experience has shown us that what might appear simple is often complex. Testing with your production parts provides you with the assurance that what you will specify with meet your unique and distinct requirements. Working together to understand what may work in theory, will work for you in practice is our philosophy.

Peter Swanson

Posted by Peter Swanson

Peter is the Managing Director of Intertronics. He is mostly involved in strategy, recruitment and helping out the Marketing team.

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Categories: insights