“The adhesive industry is the place to be for all the curious ones who want to deliver value!”

One of our friends and colleagues, Robert Ignatzek, recently wrote this on LinkedIn. Robert is a 20 year veteran in the business, and an all round enthusiast for our sector.

We responded to Robert, and he was kind enough to requote our thoughts:

“Every new application which comes in is a fascinating puzzle, with many variables to consider. Providing the optimal material and process to a customer is very rewarding: on an intellectual level, on a commercial level and on an emotional level. There is not much better than knowing you have been an enabling part of a new technology which can go on to give great societal benefits.”

If you have ever considered working with us in the adhesive industry, our webpage says that we are looking for people who are incurably curious and are eager to learn. This is in our DNA.

Albert Einstein quote


Peter Swanson

Posted by Peter Swanson

Peter is the Managing Director of Intertronics. He is mostly involved in strategy, recruitment and helping out the Marketing team.

Who's Peter?

Categories: insights