Wearables - adhesives and encapsulants for electronic textilesNature is a prestigious, peer-reviewed scientific journal known for publishing high-impact research across a broad range of scientific disciplines. Established in 1869, it is one of the world’s most influential scientific publications, covering fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, earth sciences, and more. Articles in Nature undergo rigorous peer review and are often groundbreaking, contributing significantly to the advancement of science.

So our congratulations go to Jessica Stanley and her colleagues at the Smart Wearable Research Group, Department of Engineering, Nottingham Trent University for having their paper Stretchable electronic strips for electronic textiles enabled by 3D helical structure published in Nature last month. “The development of stretchable electronic devices is a critical area of research for wearable electronics, particularly electronic textiles (e-textiles), where electronic devices embedded in clothing need to stretch and bend with the body. While stretchable electronics technologies exist, none have been widely adopted. This work presents a novel and potentially transformative approach to stretchable electronics using a ubiquitous structure: the helix.”

We were pleased to be involved with the team on the bonding and encapsulating part of their methodology. A coating was used encapsulate components and copper traces, to reduce the likelihood of them breaking off the PI substrate – a Dymax medical device grade LED-curable electronics coating supplied by us was used for this. And an adhesive was needed to bond the planar e-strip to the core, and one of our rapid cure, surface insensitive cyanoacrylate adhesives was chosen for this.