I left university and started a company. That was almost 45 years ago, and I have been running and been in sole charge of Intertronics ever since. It has been wonderfully rewarding responsibility.

Some of you have already done the maths, and realise that not only is 45 years a long time, but that I must be getting to an age when a lot of people would be riding off into the sunset. The government has facilitated that by giving me an older person’s bus pass, which means I wouldn’t have to pay a fare should I decide to take that journey into the gloaming by bus.

Well, don’t worry, I am not retiring just yet. But I am passing the responsibility of managing the company to the next cohort.

I am delighted to announce that Teresa Nee and Ben Swanson have been appointed Joint Managing Directors of Intertronics.

Teresa Nee and BEn Swanson

In the last year or so, I have been quoting Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson: “Oftentimes the most significant transition any company will go through is from what I call founder-led to founder-inspired.” Teresa, Ben and I have been working towards this moment for some time, and none of us underestimate the significance of it for the business, for them, and for me. The new MDs have written the business plan for the coming years, with bold aspirations and pragmatic details of how to achieve them. I am very proud of them and the plan, and they have my utmost trust and confidence going forward.

My new title is Founder and Executive Chair. The ‘Executive’ component of my title means that I will still have stuff to do. I look forward to continue working with you.

Peter Swanson

Posted by Peter Swanson

Peter is the Managing Director of Intertronics. He is mostly involved in strategy, recruitment and helping out the Marketing team.

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